Tuesday, 10 July 2012


     Religion is a very subjective and wide term or topic. And of course, most religious issues are often sensitive to be discussed but it depends on how we perceive it. Generally, people have an idea that any attitude or behaviour which is against the teachings of religion is a bad deed or the person would even be labelled as an appostate. As for me, I think we have the responsibilities and rights to choose out own religion,regardless of what we are born as. It is not about converting but the submission to God or to the religion that suit or interest you. Religion is certainly a vital element in everybody's life which helps one to lead a better or proper lifestyle by practising some good manners and to avoid from getting too carried away with the evil part or thoughts of oneself.So, in a way religion is important to keep a person well-behaved and to be in control. Human beings are born with negative and positive characteristics naturally, and it could only be seen in certain circumstances.
     Many people out there are blindly practising their religions without even knowing the basic concepts which supposed to be a strong fundamental quality. They always know what's their duty but sadly they are not aware on why they have to do so.This is indeed something to worrying to ponder on.This is because,from my point of view, doing something without learning the concepts does not work or helps either.Devotion to God comes innately,it does not have to be forced. Eventough, it's true that initially we get the first input of our religion through our parents but eventually we should develop our interest and knowledge related to religion by our ownselves.
     Besides that, religion ought to actually play a role of a medium in yourself to improve your spiritual strength, making you a wiser and presentable person.Religion should also make a person broad minded and create a great acceptance level in dealing with various kinds of issues,but always remember that it's a big no no to react like a fanatic, religious freak or a sickening pious person for others in the name of any religion. I believe that if any religion is being practised in a correct way after knowing the right concept, it would definitely help the person to be more emotionally balanced,patient,calm,a person with thoughtful and kind acts without any malice or prejudice in his or her heart.
     Furthermore, practising a religion respectively would help us to maintain and indulge in a peaceful life. A real pious person is the one with positive mentality and mind set whilst able to look at the outside world without boundaries yet set limits and live with it within himself.Surrendering yourself to God is not to be done physically but through your pure and sincere soul.A practise each day makes us a more disciplined and an organized person by directly guiding us towards the healthy lifestyle and appropriate way of life in daily routine.
     In a nutshell, religion contributes a lot in building up the blocks of our identities and ti instill good moral values in each of us. It is not necessarily true that one who is born as a Christian or Hindu should die as one too,because in the process of learning about yourself,and getting exposed to other religions or beliefs,perhaps you get attracted to it or feel more attached to something you do not originate from.This is beyond prediction.Thus, religion is our own choice, it does not have to accomodate or satisfy other people but more about fulfilling your personal need and satisfaction.